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Топик: Темы по английскому для сдачи экзамена - Рефераты и топики по иностранным языкам - скачать рефераты, доклады, курсовые, дипломные работы, бесплатные электронные книги, энциклопедии

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Топик: Темы по английскому для сдачи экзамена

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My Family ` Моя семья

Family is the most precious thing for me, because Семья - это самая ценная вещь для меня потому, что
this is where I find love & understanding, & там я нахожу любовь, понимание и поддержку.
support. Наша семья вполне большая по нынешним стандартам.
Our family is quite large by modern Она состоит из четырёх человек - моих родителей,
standards. моей младшей сестры и меня.
It consists of four people - my parents, my Мои родители вполне молоды: около 35, и моя сестра
younger sister & me. на четыре года младше, чем я.
My parents are quite young, about 35, & my sister Мой папа штурман.
is four years younger then me. Он тратит много своего времени на работе, поэтому
My father is a civil navigator. время, когда он дома вечером, особое, для моей
He spends most of his time at work, so the time сестры и меня.
when he is home in the evening is something special Моя мама учитель, поэтому у неё есть больше
for my sister & me. свободного времени, чем у папы.
My mother is a teacher, & she has more time to Мы делимся нашими проблемами и секретами с ними и
spare than my father. они часто дают нам хороший совет.
We share our problems & secrets with them, & they По дому часто есть много работы, но мы хотим
often give very good advice. помогать с домашними делами, и всё делается быстро и
There’ s often a lot to do about the house, but we эффективно.
are always willing to help with the chores, & Больше всего я люблю поздний обед или ранний ужин,
everything is done quickly & efficiently. когда все мы собираемся вокруг стола и свет кухонной
Most of all I like our late dinners or early лампы создаёт атмосферу отдыха и тепла.
suppers, when we all gather round the table, & the Мы разговариваем и шутим, и забавляемся, потому что
light of the kitchen lamp creates a relaxed & cosy все мы друзья.
atmosphere. Воскресенья тоже очень хороши.
We talk, & joke, & have fun, because we are Если погода ясная, то мы идём кататься на лыжах в
all friends. лесу - зимой или на нашу дачу - летом.
Sundays are also very nice. Фактически это маленький домик на маленьком участке
If the weather is fine, we go skiing in the forest земли, но мы очень любим его & любим работать в
in winter, or to our ‘dacha’ in summer. саду, сажая, капая, собирая землянику и помидоры.
In fact, it’s just a small cottage on a small plot Но, если бы вы спросили меня о нашем семейном хобби,
of land, but we like it a lot, & like to work in то я бы назвала - чтение.
the garden, planting, digging, gathering Чтение - это великолепная комбинация дела и
strawberries & tomatoes. удовольствия, интеллектуальной работы и развлечения.
But, if I were asked about our family hobby, I
would name reading. Это всё. Я счастлива иметь такую любящую и
Reading is a perfect combination of business & дружелюбную семью и, когда у меня будет своя
pleasure, of intellectual work & entertainment. собственная семья, я постараюсь создать её на тех же
That’s about all. I’m lucky to have such a loving & основах.
friendly family, & when I have a family of my own,
I will try to make it work on the same lines.

Me & My plans for the future.

Finishing school is the beginning of the
independent life for millions of schools leavers.

Many roads are opened before us: vocational &
technical school, institutes & universities.
But, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession
out of more than 2,000 existing in the world.
Some pupils follow the advice of their parents or
friends, others can’t decide even after leaving the
As for me I made my choice long ago.
I specialize in the humanities.
Social Sciences & English have always been my
favorites, but my chief interest is law.
My dream has always been to become a lawyer.
My choice of this occupation didn’t come as a
sudden flash.
As a child, I listened to my aunt & uncle
discussing professional matters.
Little by little, I got interested in the subject &
began thinking of law as my prospective occupation.

For me, choosing a career is not only a matter of
future prestige & wealth.
In my opinion, a job should be interesting &
socially important.
That is the reason why I have chosen the profession
of a lawyer, which gives plenty of opportunities to
help people in trouble.
In addition I should say, whatever profession I
choose to follow, the greatest pleasure will surely
come from feeling that I am useful to my country.

Country that I want to visit.
I haven’t been to Great Britain yet, & I’d like to
visit this country very much, because I like the
English language, & I’ m curious to learn about
everyday life of the people who speak this
beautiful language, & just see the sights.
Here’s what I know about this country so far.
The full official name of the country is the United
Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.
It is a constitutional monarchy - the nominal head
of state is Queen Elizabeth the Second, but the
real law-making body is the Parliament, consisting
of two Chambers, the House of Commons & the House
of Lords.
The royal family is preserved as a kind of a
tourist attraction.
The country is situated on the British Isles, which
lie off the north-west of Europe.
They are separated from the continent by the
English Channel, better known by its French name -
La Manche.
Now, there is a tunnel under the Channel,
efficiently binding Great Britain & the continent.
The climate is rather mild, influenced by the Gulf
Stream, & famous English lawns & gardens are of
some special shade of green.
The UK is a very highly developed industrial
country, with such branches of industry as
ship-building, manufacturing of textiles,
machinery, electrical & electronic equipment, &
many others.
The population of the UK is about 55 million
people .
There are two major political parties in the UK,
Labour & Conservative.
The Conservative are in office now.
I know a lot more about the UK, but this
information has been taken from books & mass media.

I’d like to visit the country & see everything for

My hobby
People get a kick out of doing most extraordinary
The most widespread hobby is collecting.
I can’t say that I’m really mad about this or that
kind of leisure activity.
I tried collecting stamps, they are so nice &
But gradually my interest just faded away, & I gave
my collection to my friend for his birthday.
Then I moved on to collecting recordings of the pop
groups I liked, but after a while it seemed
pointless because music radio stations play old &
new hits all the time.
I go on doing it, but I wouldn’t call it a hobby.
I like dancing at some club or disco, but it’s just
a way of spending time, not a hobby really.
Best of all I like reading.
It’s a very quiet occupation, & it does not require
any particular skill or ability.
But that’s what gives me the greatest pleasure.
I enjoy reading all kinds of books - historical
novels, travelogues, biographies, novels, science
fiction, detective stories, poetry, etc.
Someone said that reading to the mind is what
exercise is to the body.
Books can’t be replaced by all the mass media in
the world.
Reading is a perfect combination of business &
pleasure, of intellectual work & entertainment.
So, frankly speaking reading is my hobby.

E is one of most wonderful & interesting cities in
It’s the capital of Urals, & it is dear to the
hearts of our citizens.
It had a rich history, & when you walk along the
quiet streets of old E
You can feel the past everywhere.
The sights of E are countless, so I will mention
only my favourites ones.
I like to walk window-shopping down Main Avenue,
glittering & full of hurrying passers-by.
I like to sit on a bench near the monument to Popov
- I like the monument itself, but even more I like
to watch the people passing by, & people that are
waiting for their dates.
E is a cultural centre.
There are many theatres, picture galleries, film &
sound recording studios.
Most interesting cultural events, shows,
exhibitions take place in E.
E, of course, is an educational, scientific &
industrial centre.
There are a lot of enterprises producing a wide
range of goods, such as machines mechanizms & so
What I like most about E is the pulse of life, of
change, of movement.
E is the place where things are happening in all
spheres of human activity - it’s the heart of
Urals, full of energy.
I just love this city.

My school.
There are many different types of school in our
country now- specialised school, gumnasiums,
lucees, colleges, private school.
They offer different curricula, & you can choose
the subjects you need.
Our school is secondary school, & it is quite good.

All in all, it is quite comfortable for studying.
The classrooms are well-equipped, there are
chemistry & physics labs, a language lab with tape
recorders, headphones & mikes.
The teachers are very knowledgeable, & the lessons
were always interesting.
So we have everything at our disposal, we only have
to study.
And we study hard, especially in the senior forms.
I’m interesting both in natural sciences & the
humanities, as I believe a person should have a
broad general education.
Beside the school building there is a stadium.
We have football matches & all kinds of
competitions there.
Naturally, it isn’t just all work & no fun.
We have a rock band, & often organise dancing
parties with flashing lights & everything.
We have different contests, including the one
between teams of witty persons.
Some of the jokes are quite funny.
There is an amateur drama company, & they often
stage short sketches by humorist writers.
So, our school life is rather eventful & active,
leaving no time for bedroom.
I like my school & I ‘m going to miss my
classmates, the easygoing atmosphere, & all the fun
we have.

My Working Day.
A person’s schedule depends on his or her type of
activity, & is organised accordingly.
It is rather flexible, & can be change any time, if
I will try to give you a snapshot of a typical day
in my life as a school student.
The shrill ringing of an alarm-clock wakes me up at
half past six.
I do not jump out of bed, but daydream for about 5
minutes more.
Then I do jump out, & keep jumping, pushing up,
sitting up, & generally warming up for about 20
Then a quick shower, & a very light breakfast - I
just can’t make myself eat much in the morning.
So, it’s a soft-boiled egg, a toast, & a cup of tea
or coffee.
Then off to school.
It’s the usual routine of classes & breaks, a
longer break at 11 a. m. for lunch, & school is
over at 1 or 2 p. m., depending on the number of
Sometimes I stay at school till 3 p. m. for some
optional class or something extra-curriculum.
Then I’m home, & it’s dinner, if I may call it so.
My folks are both at work, so left to my own
devices I have what I manage to find in the fridge.

Then I fool around for an hour or so browsing in
some magazine or a book, or listening to some quiet
After that I’m ready for the most important part of
my day, my work actually.
I study, I dig up information, I solve tasks, find
answers to question - do my homework.
By 8 p. m. I feel tired.
Fortunately, by that time folks have arrived, & we
That is the only proper meal of the day for me, &
the only time to talk with my parents.
Then an hour or more of study, some TV, & by 12 p.
m. I’m in bed.
Sometimes I have to stay up late, if I have some
difficult task to solve.
So this is it, in a nutshell.
Not very eventful, but it’s a working day, isn’t

We are living in a rapidly changing, multinational
& multicultural world.
Barriers keep falling, people & cultures mix, but
one thing remains basic & dear to my heart - my
homeland, Russia.
No one can deny that it is a great country in all
senses of the world, with its area of 17,1 million
square kilometres, & the population of 150 million
It spans two parts of the world, Europe & Asia,
serving as a bridge between them.
It is washed by the seas of the Arctic & Pacific
The variety of climatic zones it the north down to
the subtropics in the south.
It has immense natural resources, such as coal, oil
& gas, all kinds of mineral deposits, great forests
& rivers, it has everything.
There are many branches of industry in Russia -
machine-building, steel production, chemical &
electronic industries, & numerous others.
Unfortunately, agriculture is in a rather poor
state, & we have to import foodstuffs, & even
The potential of Russia & its people is great, &
with reasonable economic mechanisms & laws the
country will overcome the present difficulties, &
will occupy the place it deserves in the world
The cultural heritage of Russia is rich & varied/
The names of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky are
known all over the world/
Russia’s history, like that of any other great
country, is full of glory & blood.
Russia twice saved Europe from the Dark Age -
stopping the Tartars, & crushing the German
I’m proud of my country, I love Russia, my
motherland, & will do the best I can to improve its
economic & political situation.

An Outstanding Person of Russia.
Russia gave birth to many wonderful people, who
made great contributions to all fields of human
activity, such as science, art, various
discoveries, & so on.
The world knows our composers, ballet dancers,
As for me, I think one of the greatest men, who
influenced Russian & world culture, was Alexander
I believe that in his prose & poetry he actually
created the modern Russian language, the language
we use today.
He was born a nobelman & lived a life of a
He studied at an exclusive school, lycee.
He visited all those balls, & parties, & receptions
at court.
But he managed to feel & know the souls of ordinary
Russian people of all walks of life.
His power of observation was so great, that in his
works he drew a comprehensive picture of life in
Russia at that time.
It’s a strange phenomenon that poets do not live
I think that is because the candle burns so
brightly & so fast.
Pushkin was killed at the age of 37 at a duel that
was a result of intrigue & scandal connected with
the name of his wife.
But poets do not die.
If you asked Russian people who their favourite
poets is, most would answer «Pushkin».
Small kids learn to read using his fairy tales, &
this admiration of his poetry just stays on.
His works are read & enjoyed by all those who love
the Russian language & Russia.

Sport is, or rather should be, an important part of
everyone’s life.
Here we should distinguish between big-time sport &
just keeping fit.
We can’t all be professional athletes, but we
should pay attention to out bodies.
Our body needs exercise just as it needs food.
Everyone chooses physical according to one’s
Some people just jog.
Others prefer more active kind of exercise, such as
football, basketball, volleyball, martial arts.
Tennis has become very popular, & it really is a
good workout for all groups of muscles.
Fitness centres, body building & shaping gyms are
full of pumping iron.
There are some specific British & American sports
that are rather interesting - golf, cricket,
baseball, American football.
Tastes differ, but one thing is for sure - if you
want to be healthy & fit, you can’t do without
I start every day with a half hour of exercise -
push ups, sit ups, chin ups, warming up all my
Then a quick shower, & I feel as fit as a fiddle.
Twice a week I have a two-hour workout in a gum on
various training devices & just lifting weights.
Once a week I visit a swimming pool .
It’s enough for me to feel fit.
Of course I would like to take up Alpine skiing or
para-gliding, but I have neither time nor equipment
for that.

Every family has its own holidays, connected with
some great events in its history.
For ordinary people holidays are mostly the chance
to relax & have a good time.
There are some almost universal holidays, such as
Christmas & New Year.
We’ve got 2 favourite holidays New Year & Easter.
The New Year is noisy & festive.
Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, toys, &
strings of colored light bulbs.
Children put stockings under the trees for Santa
Claus to fill them up with gifts.
It’s a family occasion - the whole family usually
gathers, gifts are exchanged.
There are parties, dancing, champagne drinking,
fireworks & firecrackers.
At midnight everyone at a party stops whatever they
are doing to greet the New Year.
It’s the most colorful & merry of all holidays.
I can’t help mentioning Easter, which is connected
with the idea of spring & revival of nature.
We exchange painted eggs, special cakes, &
generally make merry.
There are also our birthdays parties- we celebrate
him or her with birthday, singing Happy birthday to
you, present our gifts & have our family dinner.
All holidays are nice, because people forget their
worries for a while, & enjoy themselves.

I haven’t been to London yet, & I’d like to visit
this city very much, because I like the English
language, & I’m curious to learn about everyday
life of the people who speak this beautiful
language, & just see sights.
Here’s what I know about this city so far.
L is one of the greatest, most colourful &
interesting cities of the world, & it tops the list
of the cities I’d like to visit.
I know a lot about it- I have studied its map, seen
a lot of postcard, talked to people who have been
Sometimes I close my eyes & imagine I walk down
Piccadilly, Regent or Oxford street, cross the
Thames by London or Tower bridge, or knock on the
door of #10 Downing street, just to say «Hi» to the
Prime Minister.
The city is really large- more than 8 million
people live in the so- called Greater L- that is, L
& its suburbs.
The oldest pert of L is the City, the financial &
business centre of the country.
The finest part of L is the West End with long
streets of fine shops, theatres, picture galleries,
restaurants, beautiful parks.
St. James Park, Green Park, Kensington Gardens, &
Hyde Park with its Speaker’s Corner where you ...

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