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Топик: Outstanding personalities of Russia - Рефераты и топики по иностранным языкам - скачать рефераты, доклады, курсовые, дипломные работы, бесплатные электронные книги, энциклопедии

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Главная / Рефераты / Рефераты и топики по иностранным языкам

Топик: Outstanding personalities of Russia

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Outstanding personalities of Russia

For thousands of years peoples mode of life was primitive. In a short period of time a gigantic leap was made by people in science and technology to reach the present state of human development. The world knows the names of many great scientists: chemists, biologists etc.
The Russian inventors and scientists made the great contribution to the development of world science. Its almost impossible to name the branch of science in which the Russian inventors havent played the greatest role.
M. Lomonosov was one of the most learnt men in Europe. He was an outstanding inventor both in humanities and sciences. He founded the first Russian University.
The Great Russian scientist D. Mendeleev discovered the Periodic Law of Elements. All future discoveries in the field of chemistry and physics have been based on this law. His discovery made it possible to find 38 new chemical elements to fill the empty spaces left in the Periodic table.
Popov invented radio.
Pavlov and Sechenov were the worlds greatest physiologists.
The greatest event of the 20th century was the flight man into space. Tsiolkovski is the father of rocket flying. He worked out the theory of cosmic flights. Tciolkovski believed that Mankind would not remain on Earth forever. With Gagarins flight his dreams came true.
Born in 1921 Sakharov an outstanding scientist and public figure worked on hydrogen bo...

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Добавлено: 2010.10.21
Просмотров: 1099

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