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Рефераты и топики по иностранным языкам - скачать рефераты, доклады, курсовые, дипломные работы, сочинения, бесплатные электронные книги

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Рефераты и топики по иностранным языкам


Реферат: Театр /english/

Theatre Theater Production, the various means by which any of the forms of theater are presented to a live audience. The term theater is often applied only to dramatic and musical plays, but it properly includes opera, dance, circus and carnivals, mime, vaudeville, puppet shows, pageants, and other forms—all of which have certain elements in common. They are essentially visual; are experienced directly (although film, videotapes, or recorded sound may be incorporated into a performance); and ar...

Реферат: Охрана природных ресурсов /Укр./

Основні напрями державної політики України у галузі охорони довкілля, використання природних ресурсів та забезпечення екологічної безпеки Вступ Кожен майбутній економіст , спеціаліст народного господарства, кожна свідома людина повинна обов’язково мати загальне уявлення про особливості сучасного екологічного стану , а також про основні напрямки державної політики у галузі охорони довкілля, використання природних ресурсів та забезпечення екологічної безпеки. Екологізація економіки та свідомості с...

Реферат: Религия /english/

Religion God, the center and focus of religious faith, a holy being or ultimate reality to whom worship and prayer are addressed. Especially in monotheistic religions , God is considered the creator or source of everything that exists and is spoken of in terms of perfect attributes—for instance, infinitude, immutability, eternity, goodness, knowledge (omniscience), and power (omnipotence). Most religions traditionally ascribe to God certain human characteristics that can be understood either lit...

Топик: The map of England

The map of England The British Isles are situated to the west of the continent of Europe. The British Isles consist of two large islands-Great Britain and Ireland - and a number of small ones. The island of Great Britain together with the small islands around it and the north-eastern part of Ireland constitute the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland that is more often called Great Britain or just England. The territory of the United Kingdom is 244,000 sq. kms with a population o...

Реферат: Украина /Eng./

Ukraine Location: Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Poland and Russia Geographic coordinates: 49 00 N, 32 00 E Map references: Commonwealth of Independent States Area: total: 603,700 sq km land: 603,700 sq km water: 0 sq km Area—comparative: slightly smaller than Texas Land boundaries: total: 4,558 km border countries: Belarus 891 km, Hungary 103 km, Moldova 939 km, Poland 428 km, Romania (south) 169 km, Romania (west) 362 km, Russia 1,576 km, Slovakia 90 km Coastline: 2,782 km M...

Изложение: Rain Man

Rain Man This novel was written by Elenor Fleisher. She is an American author who has novalized about 50 screenplays. She also writes „own“ books,especially for youngadults. PlotThe story is set in America in the 1990ies. It´s about Charles Babbit and his autistic brother Raymond. Charles Babbit is a good-looking young buisnessman who makes very risky,not quite legal deals. When Charly has troubles with his buisness, he gets the message that hisrich father has died. Although Charly had no...

Реферат: Фотография /english/

Photography Photography, technique of producing permanent images on sensitized surfaces by means of the photochemical action of light or other forms of radiant energy. In today*s society, photography plays important roles as an information medium, as a tool in science and technology, and as an art form, and it is also a popular hobby. It is essential at every level of business and industry, being used in advertising, documentation, photojournalism, and many other ways. Scientific research, rang...

Топик: Customs and traditions in GB

Customs and traditions in GB I am going to tell you about English customs and traditions. First of all it concerns United Kingdom political system. In Great Britain there is no written constitution, only customs, traditions and precedents. After the English Revolution of Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy headed by King (now Queen, Elizabeth the second). Traditionally the queen acts only on the advice of her Ministers. She reigns but she does not rule. Englishmen have traditions not only...

Топик: Population of the UK

Population of the UK The population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is over 57 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and cities and their suburbs. The distribution of the population is quite uneven. Over 46 million people live in England, over 3 million - in Wales, a little over 5 million - in Scotland and about 1.5 million - in Northern Ireland. The most densely populated areas are Greater London, the South and the South-West. Only London*s population ...

Реферат: Музеи /english/

Museums Museum, permanent nonprofit institution housing collections of objects of artistic, historic, or scientific interest, conserved and displayed for the edification and enjoyment of the public. Similar definitions of the nature and purposes of a museum have been propounded by some of the organizations that today guide the policies and work of museums throughout the world—the American Association of Museums (founded in 1906), the Canadian Museums Association/Association des Musйes Canadiens ...

Топик: Олег Табаков /english/

Oleg Tabakov and the Moscow Studio-Theatre The idea of studios life as the most natural for actors – in Oleg Tabakov*s blood. Here is the genre*s memory. The founder of MKHT had studios; the ephremov*s “Sovremennik” was a studio in young years. Tabakov was formed in this belief, he had no other idea and theatrical belief. Having grown and later orphaned in “Sovremennik”, he tried to create studios theatre with the incredible persistence in different periods of his life. He was starting his firs...

Реферат: Абсолютна величина дiсного числа

Абсолютна величина дiсного числа Властивостi абсолютних величин. Змiннi i сталi  величини.Функцiя.Парнiсть,непарнiсть,перiодичнicть,монотоннicть.Складна функцiя.Класифiкацiя функцiй.Перетворення графiкiв. ОЗНАЧЕННЯ.Абсолютною величиною (або модулем) дiйсного числа x (позначається |x|) називається невiд’ємне дiйсне число,задовольняюче умовам:   | Х, якщо Х>0 |X|= <-Х,якщо Х<0   |  0,якщо Х=0 Властивостi абсолютних величин. 1.Абсолютна величина алгебраїчної суми декiлькох  дiйсних чисел на б...

Топик: Обучение в Англии /english/

Discussion. EDUCATION in UK. THE UK EDUCATION SYSTEM. First I*d like to criticise John Major*s position about that a good education is not necessarily the key of success in British life. As far as I*m concerned I fully disagree with it. As far as Mr. Major is concerned I suppose that he did not pay great attention to his school-life: A school leaver at the age of sixteen Mr. Major even claimed a recent television in interview that he could not remember exactly his academic qualifications were....

Топик: Загадки Якутии /english/

Mysterious boiler and fatal polite literatures The strange rumours are afloat about the hidden place in the source of Viluy! A certain entrance in the infernal subterranean vault, where the unknown creatures inhabit, the set of the underground metal rooms, in which it*s warm even in the strongest frosts are talked about. There were fearless men, that spent the night in these rooms, but thereafter they began to be ill. And those people, who ventured to sleep some nights in succession there, died...

Топик: Зачетные темы по английскому языку для школы /english/

Great Britain “Great Britain” has several different names. Some people say “Britain”, or “the United Kingdom”, or just “UK”. There are four different countries in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Altogether more than 56 million people live in Britain, many of them in big industrial cities like London, Liverpool and Manchester, but people are often surprised by how much of Britain is open country, with lonely hills and woods, quiet rivers, lakes and farmlands. Many peopl...

Топик: Куча тем по английскому языку для школы /english/

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1. Geographical position and physical features: The USA occupy a large territory and are situated in the central and southern part of north America. The USA is washed by the Atlantic ocean in the east and by the Pacific ocean in the west. In the north, the USA is borders on Canada and in the south on Mexico. 2. Climate: Mountain rangres cross the country from north to south and don*t protect it from the north and warm ear from the south. The USA has a continental cl...

Топик: The cloning

The cloning The term of cloning came from a Greek word that meant “a branch”, or “a bine”. It has to do chiefly with apprehension of plant cloning. The cloning of plants by stems, bulbs or gemmas has been known for more than 4 thousand years. Starting from 1970s, for plant cloning the use of small groups of somatic cells and sometimes the use of a single detached cell has been applied. However, the process of cloning animals has it’s own obstacles. At the time of the animals’ cells development, ...

Реферат: Молодіжна субкультура

Молодіжна субкультура Вступ Проблема формування особистості підлітка до теперішнього часу залишається однією з самих складних проблем у вітчизняній педагогіці. Її вирішення потребує комплексного науково-педагогічного підходу, адже процес формування особистості складається з різних факторів: впливу спадковості, виховання в сім’ї та школі та впливу оточуючого середовища. Спадковість залежить від генотипу (або генофонду) людини, від успадкування зовнішніх та внутрішніх рис батьків, або ще раніших ...

Доклад: Колядки та щедрівки

Колядки та щедрівки Надзвичайно популярними обрядовими піснями були в народі колядки і щедрівки . Колядки співають від 25 грудня до 7січня . Вони приурочувались до Різдва . А щедрівки – до Нового року (за старим стилем –14 січня). Колядки –найдревніший фольклорний жанр. Вони бережуть у собі пам’ять старої родоплемінної доби і пов’язані з зимовим поворотом сонця на літо, яке називали святом Коляди. Святкували його 25 грудня (за старим стилем), коли ніч була найдовшою.Природа у цей час ніби завмир...

Топик: Shopping

Shopping When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. In my early childhood going shopping was a holiday for me, especially when my Cranny took me with her. I knew for sure, I would get a sweet or a bar of chocolate or an ice-cream, all the things I enjoyed greatly. Recently, shopping is no fun any longer, but my daily duty. And as all duties it is tiresome sometimes. I dream to be an economist, and maybe this dream printed on my approach to shopping. I try to be rational and economical. Once...

Реферат: Філософія нового часу

Філософія нового часу Контрольна робота Подготовила Дібрівка Ольга Валеріївна Черкаська обл. м. Сміла Національний авіаційний університет Міністерство Освіти і Науки України 2005 1. Характерні риси епохи Нового часу. Філософія Нового часу історичними передумовами свого формування має утвердження буржуазного способу виробництва в Західній Європі, наукову революцію XVI—XVII ст., становлення експериментального природознаства. Вона утверджувала свої засадні принципи в боротьбі з феодальною ідеологі...

Топик: Эльза Триоле (Elsa Trioler)

Tes yeux sont si profonds qu’en me penchant pour boire J’ai vu tout les soleil y venir se mirer S’y jeter а mourir tous les dйsespйrйs Tes yeux sint si profond que j’y perds la mйmoire A l’ombre des oiseaux c’est i’ocйan troublй Puis le beau temps se lиve et tes yeux chengent L’ йtй taill la nue au tablier des anges Le ciel n’est jamais bleu comme il l’est surblйs... Il advint qu’un beau soir l’univers se brisa Sur des rйsifs que les naufrageurs enflammиrent Moi je voyais briller au-dessus de la...

Топик: Экзаменационные темы по немецкому языку

Thema : " DIE WOHNUNG" 1. Wir haben eine moderne Dreizimmerwohnung in einem Zweifamilienhaus. Das Haus liegt in einer breiten und grьnen StraЯe. 2. Unsere Wohnung besteht aus einem Vorzimmer, einem Wohnzimmer, einem Schlafzimmer, einem Kinderzimmer, einem Badezimmer und einer Kьche. 3. Unser Wohnzimmer ist groЯ und hell. Es ist mit Geschmack eingerichtet. 4. Links an der Wand steht ein Wohnzimmerschrank. 5. Dem Schrank gegenьber steht eine Anrichte. 6. Rechts ist eine Bettcouch. Der Be...

Топик: Шпаргалка по лексикологии

Simile Oxymoron The intensification of some Oxymoron is a combination of two features of the concept in words (mostly an adjective and a question is realized in a devicenoun or an adverb with an called simile. S. must not be adjective) in which the meanings confused with ordinary of the two clash, being opposite comparison. They represent two in sense, diverse processes. C. means E.g.: low skyscraper; sweet weighing two objects belonging sorrow; pleasantly ugly face to one class of things with t...

Топик: Фонетика английского языка

Основная функция языка – быть средством общения людей. Посредством языка люди обеспечивают взаимопонимание в процессе труда и быта, выражают и делают доступными для других свои мысли, чувства, настроения и желания. Английский алфавит в сопоставлении с латинским и русским Латинский алфавит Русский алфавит Английский алфавитНазвания пропорционально английских букв латинскому Aa Аа Aa [ei] Bb Бб Bb [bi:] Cc Цц//Кк Cc [ci:] Dd Дд Dd [di:] Ee Ее//Ээ Ee [i:] Ff Фф Ff [ef:] Gg Гг Gg [dZi:] Hh - Hh [eit...

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