Рефераты и топики по иностранным языкам
Топик: Teenagers
Teenagers The age between 14 and 17 is considered to be one of the best periods in peoples life. Grown-ups remind it with excitement and tenderness. But most teens wouldnt agree with this opinion if they were asked. Theyre sure and thats quite true that they are overwhelmed with different problems. These problemsre quite serious and they cant be considered trifles. Teenagers have psycological problems which can be explained by their psycological instability.This is the reason of their strange a...
Топик: Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (January 29 [O.S. January 17] 1860 – July 15 [O.S. July 2] 1904) (Russian: Анто́н Па́влович Че́хов, was a Russian short-story writer and playwright, considered to be one of the greatest short story writers in world literature.[1] His playwriting career produced four classics: The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, Three Sisters, and The Cherry Orchard; and his best short stories are held in high esteem by writers and critics.[2][3] Chekhov practised as a d...
Топик: Effects of Divorce On Children and Parents
Effects of Divorce On Children and Parents Records show marriages have been taking place since the earliest recorded history. Evidence of elaborate ceremonies joining couples together are present all over the world. Couples have been joined in a legal contract, for a number of reasons: religious, arraigned marriages, kinship bonds, pool resources, children, and romantic love. When a marriage is successful, there are many benefits for the couple, a shared mutual trust and respect for one another....
Топик: Literature
Literature Literature is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from Latin littera letter). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and non-fiction The word "literature" has different meanings depending on who is using it. It could be applied broadly to mean any symbolic record, encompassing everything from images and sculptures to letters. In a more narrow sense the term could mean only tex...
Топик: Youth organizations in Great Britain
Youth organizations in Great Britain There are about 60 youth organizations in Great Britain. All youth organizations can be divided into three large groups: 1. non-political organizations; 2. youth organizations associated with political parties; 3. youth organizations controlled by religious bodies. The two largest non-political youth organizations are the associations of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides. There are about 1300000 boys and girls in them. The membership is voluntary. The Scout ...
Топик: Tolerance
Tolerance To write an essay, concerning the major human values is not a simple task. Usually, in this case, there is an option, either to accept author’s point of view or try to challenge it, which is more difficult. This is always more difficult to defend your own belief, than take a point of view of an intelligent person. So, looking through the articles I tried to find some author’s conclusions that were rather controversial. After reading the article, which deals with such value as tolerance...
Топик: Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin on October 16, I854 His father was a famous Irish surgeon His mother was well known in Dublin as a writer of verse and prose At school, and later at Oxford,, Oscar displayed gift for art and the humanities. While at the university. Wilde became one of the most famous personalities of the day: he wore his hair long, decorated his room with different beautiful things His witty sayings were well known among the students. After graduating from the universit...
Топик: Outstanding personalities of Russia
Outstanding personalities of Russia For thousands of years peoples mode of life was primitive. In a short period of time a gigantic leap was made by people in science and technology to reach the present state of human development. The world knows the names of many great scientists: chemists, biologists etc. The Russian inventors and scientists made the great contribution to the development of world science. Its almost impossible to name the branch of science in which the Russian inventors havent...
Реферат: Geschichte des Euro
Geschichte des Euro. Der Euro (€) ist die Währung der Europäischen Währungsunion (EWWU) und damit gemeinsame offizielle Währung in 21 europäischen Staaten. 15 dieser Staaten gehören der EU an. Neben dem US-Dollar ist der Euro die wichtigste Währung der Welt. Am 1. Januar 1999 wurde der Euro als Buchgeld, drei Jahre später am 1. Januar 2002 erstmals als Bargeld eingeführt. Damit löste der Euro die nationalen Währungen als Zahlungsmittel ab. D...
Топик: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Lincoln was one of the most famous presidents of the USA. He was born in the family of a poor farmer in 1809 in Kentucky, but soon his family left for the wild forestland of Indiana. He was taught reading, writing and simple arithmetic, as his family could not afford better education. When he was 18, he went to New Orleans and there he saw a slave market. It made a deep impression on him and he began to hate slavery and he decided to fight against it. In 1830 he went to Springfie...
Курсовая: Жесты: попытка обобщения и классификации
Правова організація працевлаштування громадян Курсова робота з дисципліни : Трудове право Виконала студентка IV курсу групи ПД-4.1 Кіяніцина О. С. Міжгалузевий інститут управління Київ – 2006 Вступ Життя людини в суспільстві тісно пов’язане з її трудовою діяльністю , спрямованою на отримання й використання матеріальних благ . Праця людини , її результати завжди цінувалися суспільством , визначали в ньому становище людини . Тому таке важливе право , як право на працю знаходить своє формулювання ...
Курсовая: Теорія держави і права
Теорія держави і права В ступ Варто помітити, що перетворення і реформи останніх років не обійшли і такий предмет, як теорія держави і права. Занадто очевидний розрив між традиційно сформованим змістом монографій, підручників і навчальних видань і тими державними і правовими реаліями, що характеризували стан і розвиток людського суспільства взагалі, українського суспільства зокрема. На сьогоднішній день істотно збагатилося наукове знання про важливі сторони функціонування і розвитку держави і пр...
Курсовая: Адміністративно-правове забезпечення управління освітою і наукою
Адміністративно-правове забезпечення управління освітою і наукою. Курсова робота з дисципліни : Адміністративне право Виконала: студентка II курсу групи ПД-2.3 Кіяніцина Олена Сергіївна. Міжгалузевий інститут управління Київ-2005 Вступ. Освіта – основа інтелектуального, культурного, духовного , соціального, економічного розвитку суспільства і держави. Вона є стратегічним ресурсом поліпшення добробуту людей забезпечення національних інтересів зміцнення авторитету. Метою освіти є всебічний розвит...
Курсовая: Поняття і види співучасті у кримінальному праві
Поняття і види співучасті у кримінальному праві Курсова робота з дисципліни : Кримінальне право Виконала студентка III курсу Групи ПД- 3.3 Кіяніцина О.С. Міжгалузевий інститут управління Київ 2006 Вступ Злочини вчиняються не лише поодинці . Досить часто в одному злочині беруть участь дві або більше осіб, які діють узгоджено і спрямовують свої дії на досягнення єдиного результату. У таких ситуаціях виникає питання про співучасть у злочині . Кримінально - правовий інститут співучасті законодавець ...
Топик: World War I and the Armenian Genocide
World War I and the Armenian Genocide With onslaught of World War I, the Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire engaged during the Caucasus and Persian Campaigns, the new government began to look on the Armenians with distrust and suspicion. This was due to the fact that the Russian army contained a contingent of Armenian volunteers. On April 24, 1915, Armenian intellectuals were arrested by Ottoman authorities and, with the Tehcir Law (29 May 1915), eventually a large proportion of Armenians living ...
Топик: Europe
Europe Europe is one of the traditional seven political continents, and a peninsular sub-continent of the geographic continent Eurasia. Europe is bounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and to the southeast by the Caucasus Mountains, the Black Sea and the waterways connecting the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. To the east, Europe is generally divided from Asia by the water divide of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, ...
Реферат: J. B. Priestley
J. B. Priestley Career Priestley was born in what he described as an "ultra-respectable" suburb of Bradford. His father was a teacher and his mother died young. On leaving grammar school Priestley worked in the wool trade of his native city, but had ambitions to become a writer. He was to draw on memories of Bradford in many of the works he wrote after he had moved south. As an old man he deplored the destruction by developers of Victorian buildings such as the Swan Arcade in Bradford ...
Топик: History of Andorra
History of Andorra Tradition holds that Charles the Great (Charlemagne) granted a charter to Andorran people in return for fighting against the Moors. Overlordship of the territory passed to the local count of Urgell and eventually to the bishop of the diocese of Urgell. The Bishop then handed over the territory to the Lord of Caboet. The Caboet family married into the family of the French Count of Foix and through this marriage, the Count inherited all of the Spanish lords land, including Andor...
Топик: History of Belarus
History of Belarus The region that is now modern-day Belarus was first settled by Slavic tribes in the 6th century. They gradually came into contact with the Varangians, a band of warriors consisting of Scandinavians and Slavs from the Baltics.[10] Though defeated and briefly exiled by the local population, the Varangians were later asked to return[10] and helped to form a polity—commonly referred to as the Kievan Rus—in exchange for tribute. The Kievan Rus state began in about 862 at the presen...
Топик: Economy of the Republic of Ireland
Economy of the Republic of Ireland The economy of Ireland has transformed in recent years from an agricultural focus to a modern knowledge economy, focusing on services and high-tech industries and dependent on trade, industry and investment. Economic growth in Ireland averaged a (relatively high) 10% from 1995–2000, and 7% from 2001–2004. Industry, which accounts for 46% of GDP, about 80% of exports, and 29% of the labour force, now takes the place of agriculture as the countrys leading sector....
Топик: Wales
Wales Wales (Welsh: Cymru;[1] pronounced kəmrɨ/ (help·info)) is a constituent country[2] within the United Kingdom, located in the west of Great Britain, sharing a land border with England to its east and the Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean to the west. Wales has a population estimated at three million and is a bilingual constituent country, with English the language spoken by the majority, and Welsh the native tongue. Originally (and traditionally) one of the six Celtic nations, a disti...
Топик: The Alps
The Alps The Alps is the name for one of the great mountain range systems of Europe, stretching from Austria and Slovenia in the east, through Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany to France in the west. The word "Alps" was taken via French from Latin Alpes (meaning "the Alps"), which may be influenced by the Latin words albus (white) or altus (high) or more likely a Latin rendering of a Celtic or Ligurian original. The highest mountain in the Alps is Mont Blanc, at ...
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