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Мультимедийный урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме Человек и окружающий мир, учебная ситуация Загрязнение окружающей среды - Преподавание иностранных языков - Методические материалы для преподавателей, учителей, педагогов

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Главная / Методические материалы / Преподавание иностранных языков

Мультимедийный урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме Человек и окружающий мир, учебная ситуация Загрязнение окружающей среды

Автор(ы): Агафонова Светлана Юрьевна, учитель английского языка

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Данный урок разработан для учащихся 7-го класса в рамках темы “Человек и окружающий мир” (“Man and the Natural World”), учебная ситуация “Загрязнение окружающей среды” (“Pollution”), на основе УМК “Английский язык” для 7 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий, авторов О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой.
Тема урока: “Хрупкая планета” (“The Fragile Planet”).
Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по теме урока с мультимедийным сопровождением.
Вид нестандартного урока: конференция.
Цель урока: научить школьников использовать английский язык как инструмент общения в диалоге культур современного мира.
Для достижения цели урока необходимо решить следующие задачи:
1. Образовательные:
- совершенствование умений и навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения;
- обобщение единичных знаний в систему.
2. Воспитательные:
- формирование основных мировоззренческих идей;
- трепетного отношения к окружающему миру;
- развитие навыков группового взаимодействия.
3. Развивающие:
- формирование познавательного интереса учащихся;
- обеспечение общего кругозора и связи изучаемого с явлениями и процессами реального мира.
Good afternoon, boys and girls!
Sit down, please. Who is away today?
Let’s start our lesson.
Teacher: Entering the classroom you’ve got the cards of different colours. Join the group according to the colour of your card.
Teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson. <Слайд2> You are the participants of the Ecological Congress. We have 3 groups. The participants with green cards are environmentalists (учащиеся поднимают карточки). The participants with yellow cards are citizens of cities. The group with red cards is a group of manufacturers.
The topic of our congress is “The Fragile Planet”. We live on the Earth and everything around us is a part of it. We depend on our planet, <Слайд3> on the sun, <Слайд4> on animals <Слайд5> and plants <Слайд6> around us. But now our planet, animals and people are in danger.<Слайд7> There are serious ecological problems on our Earth. You are invited to the Congress to exchange your opinions on the global problem how to protect our Earth, how to prevent further pollution and what necessary actions are to be undertaken.
1) Актуализация знаний учащихся по изученной лексике.
: Let’s start with the brain storm. Each group should write down the words and phrases which are necessary for today’s discussion.
(Учащиеся в группах пишут слова на карточках, а затем зачитывают вслух).
Environmentalists: to protect, ecological problems, rubbish, dump, waste, poison, a disaster, to spoil, litter, shortage.
Manufacturers: filters, nuclear power stations, factories, plants, nuclear weapons, a government, industrial waste, acid rain, radiation, natural resources.
Citizens: the green house effect, sunlight, traffic jams, planes, cars, busses, noise, growth of population, suffer, breathe in, breathe out.
2) Совершенствование навыков монологической речи с наглядной опорой.
You see how many words you have learned on this topic. All these words are connected with the ecological problems. Now, let’s have a discussion. Look at the screen.<Слайд7> Make comments on the video files which are shown on the screen.
(Если учащиеся сразу затрудняются комментировать изображения на экране, можно задать наводящие вопросы).
- Oceans, rivers and lakes. What makes water dangerous nowadays?
- Nuclear power stations. Why are nuclear power stations dangerous?
- Air pollution. Where does air pollution in the cities mostly come from?
Teacher: What are the most serious environmental problems?

Ответы учащихся:
  • pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution)
  • noise from cars, buses and planes
  • destruction of wildlife and the beauty on the countryside
  • shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel)
  • the growth of population.
3) Формирование первичных навыков ведения дискуссии.
Let’s have a debate. You see an expensive car. <Слайд8> Would you like to have the same? But most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars. People use a lot of washing powder. <Слайд9> Do you think it does harm to our rivers and seas?
Will you give these things up to keep rivers, lakes, seas and air clean? On the screen you can see some useful words and phrases for your debate. <Слайд10>
(Все учащиеся участвуют в обсуждении).
4) Формирование первичных навыков публичного выступления.
Animals and plants on our Earth suffer because of these serious ecological problems. At home you’ve prepared the information about species of animals and plants which are endangered now. Let’s make the report at our Congress.
Сообщения учащихся: Sharks <Слайд11>, gorillas <Слайд12>,
Amour tigers <Слайд13>
5) Совершенствование навыков аудирования.
Now, take the cards with the song. Some words are missing. Listen and complete the song.
(Учащиеся получают карточки с пропущенными словами).
The song
Today you are going camping
With your family, friends or class.
Please help us, don’t drop any litter!
‘Cos’ your litter lives longer than us.
Today you cut down your forests
But the planet needs our leaves.
Please stop it because tomorrow
You`ll have no air to breathe!
: `Cos nothing is forever
And nature is getting tired.
If we don`t stop and think today
Tomorrow the Earth could die.
You can have a bath or a shower
But today is the time to think.
Save the rivers because without them
You`ll have no water to drink.
Today we are still in your forests,
In the sky, in the rivers, but look:
Don`t kill us! Because your children
Will see us in picture books.
Read the song. Check your answers on the screen.
Who is speaking in the first verse? (forests and fields)
Who is speaking in the second verse? (trees)
Who is speaking in the third verse? (rivers)
Who is speaking in the fourth verse? (animals and birds)
Will you give the song a name?
Teacher: Let’s sing the song together!
As you see, the ecological problems are dangerous not only for people but also for animals, birds and plants. They need growing space too.
Man is beginning to understand that his environment is not just his own town or country, but the whole earth. That’s why people form the organizations that work to protect the environment from harm. Can you name the most famous of them? (Greenpeace) <Слайд 19>
6) Совершенствование навыков ознакомительного чтения.
We have the report about this organization made by 3 reporters. By mistake they divided this report into 3 parts and mixed them. Read the text and put the paragraphs into the right order.
(Учащимся раздаются карточки)
Greenpeace is an international environmental organization. It was founded in 1969 by a group of Canadian environmentalists. Members of Greenpeace appear in the places where the environment is endangered. They always act fast and bravely. The whole world knows about the Greenpeace actions to stop hunting whales or killing baby seals. They block the way to the ships that try to dump waste, and work hard to create a nuclear-free world. The activity of Greenpeace often annoys governments, companies and people who don`t care about the future of the world.
A Sometimes Greenpeace activity can be quite dangerous. For example, on July 10, 1985, the Gre...

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