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Конспект открытого урока по теме: The English – speaking countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand - Преподавание иностранных языков - Методические материалы для преподавателей, учителей, педагогов

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Главная / Методические материалы / Преподавание иностранных языков

Конспект открытого урока по теме: The English – speaking countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand

Автор(ы): Панкратова Галина Владимировна, учитель английского языка

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Задачи урока:
  1. Развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в монологичной речи, аудировании и чтении.
  2. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме, расширять словарный запас.
  3. Способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся средствами иностранного языка.
  1. Магнитофон.
  2. Раздаточный материал.
  3. Лист бумаги с кроссвордом.
Ход урока:
  1. Оргмомент. Приветствие. Тема урока.
  2. Фон. зарядка. Фонетическая отработка географических названий по теме: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ottawa, Canberra, Wellington, Commonwealth, the Mackenzie, the Yukon, the St. Lawrence River, Vancouver, Montreal, Halifax, the Governor-General, Quebec. (режим Т-Cl, слова написаны на доске).
  3. Речевая зарядка: Т: Children, you know much about Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Imagine that I`m a reporter and have some information about these 3 countries, but I’m not sure if it is true. Your task is to agree or disagree with my statements. Режим Т-P1 P2 P3 …Pn
    1. All Great lakes are situated in Canada. (-)
    2. The north of Canada near the Arctic is tundra. (+)
    3. There are two hot deserts in Australia. (+)
    4. Australia is famous for its pigs. (-)
    5. The greater part of New Zealand is well-watered. (+)
    6. New Zealand consists of four large islands. (-)
    7. The Commonwealth of Australia consists of two states and six territories. (-)
    8. Machine-building became the first important industry in Canada. (+)
    9. New Zealand’s natural resources are not rich. (+)
  4. T: Thank you for your answers. Now I am going to describe a country. You are to guess it. This country is a member of the Commonwealth. It has mountains, high plains and low plains. It has several climatic regions. The people living in that country are fond of baseball, football, volley-ball, ice-hockey, tennis and other games. (Canada)
  5. T: Let’s make up a short story about Canada. But all sentences are separated. You are to read them in the right logical order. (Учащимся раздаются карточки на каждой из которых написано одно-два предложения. Учащиеся читают предложения друг за другом. Режим Р1 Р2 Р3…Рn).
    1. Canada has an area of nearly 10 million square kilometres.
    2. There are many islands in the north of Canada.
    3. Canada also has large rivers: the Mackenzie, the Yukon, and the St. Lawrence River.
    4. The central plains form the prairies.
    5. The population of Canada is over 24 mln people.
    6. Canada is rich in metal ores, oil and gas.
    7. The metal, machine-building, motor-car and ship-building industries are highly developed.
    8. Canada’s main agricultural products are wheat, meat, some kinds of fruit and dairy products.
    9. Canada’s largest ports are Vancouver, Montreal and Halifax.
    10. Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of England, represented by the Governor-General.
    11. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Commons.
    12. In all the provinces there is a legislative assembly elected by the people for 5 years.
  6. T: Unlike other English-speaking countries Canada has two official languages. What is the French-speaking province of Canada? P1, will you tell us a few words about the province of Quebec.
  7. P1 : Canada’s beginnings were French; and even now French is the language spoken by about one fifth of Canadians.Canada has two official languages – English and French. The St. Lawrence Valley was the heart of the French colony in North America up to the middle of the 18th century.
    The St. Lawrence River, from Montreal to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, may still be called a French river.
    Quebec is the home of the French Canadian nation, and Quebec City is the capital of the province. Quebec is Canada’s largest province. More than a quarter of all the population of Canada lives in this province. Montreal, the main St. Lawrence port, is the second largest French city in the world – after Paris.
    French Canada still keeps some of its old traditions, but it is a mistake to say that Quebec is very different from the rest of Canada; every year the difference becomes less.
  8. T: After the discovery of Canada many kings and navigators began to dream of the riches in this new country. But as for Australia, it was first used as a colony for convicts. They worked hard to make this country better.
  9. P2 , will you recite a poem about their hard labour and then the translation into Russian made by some pupils of your class?
    Old Botany Bay (By Mary Gilmore)
    I’m old
    Botany Bay
    Stiff in the joints,
    Little to say;
    I am he
    Who paved the way
    That you might walk
    At your ease today;
    I was the conscript
    Sent to hell
    To make in the desert
    The living well;
    I bore the heat,
    I blazed the track
    Furrowed and bloody
    Upon my back.
    I split the rock
    I felled the tree:
    The nation was
    Because of me!
    Old Botany Bay
    Taking the sun
    From day to day…
    Shame on the mouth
    That would deny
    The knotted hands
    That set us high!
    Я старый Ботани Бэй,
    Крепкий как сталь,
    Не гнусь, хоть убей.
    Это я мостил дороги,
    Чтобы вы, потомки,
    Не сломали ноги.
    Я – каторжник,
    Посланный в ад,
    Чтобы сделать из пустыни
    Цветущий сад.
    Мой тяжкий труд,
    Как в страшном сне
    Оставил след кровавый
    На моей спине.
    Я скалы взрывал,
    Деревья срубал,
    И, если б не я,
    Не было б и тебя.
    Старый Ботани Бэй
    Живуч, хоть бей иль не бей.
    Позор тому,
    Что вдруг забыл,
    Кто эту жизнь
    Ему добыл.

  10. T: From that time life has greatly changed in Australia. But nevertheless the living conditions in some parts of the country are still very difficult. Let’s read the text about Western Australia, the driest part of the country.( Учащимся раздаются листы с напечатанными текстом “Western Australia” и заданиями к нему из книги Ваниной Т. П. и др. “Тесты по английскому языку”).
    1) Чтение текста по цепочке (Р1 Р2 Р3…Рn).
    2) Выполнение заданий после текста (устно).
Western Australia is 8 times the size of Britain, but it has only one million people. 900 thousand of them live in and around the state capital, Perth. The other 100 thousand people live in “the outback”, an area of 2 mln 500 thousand square kilometres. The area is hot and dry. Temperatures are usually over 30° C in summer, and sometimes over 40° C. It hardly ever rains. Sheep farming is the main occupation, and the farms are called “sheep stations” in Australia.
Life on a sheep station is very different from life in a town. Houses are sometimes hundreds of kilometres from towns. Some people never go to towns, and never see shops. The sheep stations are very big, and children often ride motorbikes and drive cars.
The children can’t go to school, and they hardly ever see a teacher. They have lessons from a two-way radio. It’s called “The school of the air.” The students can speak to the teacher and other children in the class by radio. They get work by post. The post doesn’t come very often, about once a week. Letter – boxes are on the roads, sometimes 5 or 6 kilometres from the houses.
There aren’t any schools or shops in the outback, but what about doctors? People can talk to doctors by radio, and in an emergency a doctor comes to them by plane. They are called the “Flying Doctors”.
I. Заполните таблицу:
    Facts about Western Australia.
    1.Area _____________
    2. Summer temperature ________________
    3. Population of state__________________
    4. Capital____________
    5. Population of capital area__________
    6. Population of outback_____________
    7. Main occupation_________________

II. Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос: Life on a sheep station most probably means:
  1. Not going to towns for a long period;
  2. Having school lessons from a two-way radio;
  3. “Flying Doctors”
  4. A different kind of life.
III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever/never.
  1. Children in the outback____________ see a teacher.
  2. They__________ talk to the teacher by radio.
  3. The post__________ comes once a week.
  4. The letter – boxes are_________ 5 or 6 kilometres from the houses.
  5. Children__________ drive cars on the sheep stations.
  6. Children__________ drive cars in the towns.
  7. People___________ see a doctor.
  8. Some people ________ go to towns.
  9. The summer temperature is_______ over 30° C.
  10. . It________ rains.
Ключи к заданиям:
I Area: eight times the size of Britain.
Summer temperature: over 30° C.
Population of state: one million.
Capital: Perth.
Population of capital area: 900 thousand.
Population of outback: 100 thousand.
Main occupation: sheep farming.
II 4.
III 1) hardly ever; 2) usually; 3) usually; 4) sometimes; 5) often; 6) never; 7) hardly ever; 8) never; 9) usually; 10) hardly ever.
9. T: You know, of course, that Australia is an island continent, which was separated from the mainland long ago. And that’s why there are a lot of interesting animals in Australia. Have a look at the grid. The names of some Australian animals are hidden here. You should find them. You may search for the words in different directions. You can find the names of six animals here.
    ( кроссворд на большом листе бумаги на магнитной доске).
    A I P W E M U T A D
    B P K X D G O U I I
    C G L Y E K P N B G
    D K R A F I G V C A
    E I S Z T O Q W D L
    F M T A G Y R X E A
    G N V B H M P Y F O
    E C H I D N A U G K
    H O U C I N S Z S K
    O O R A G N A K H I

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