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Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме Путешествие в 9-м классе - Преподавание иностранных языков - Методические материалы для преподавателей, учителей, педагогов

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Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме Путешествие в 9-м классе

Автор(ы): Альтман Мария Витальевна, учитель английского языка

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Цель: развитие навыков употребления сослагательного наклонения.
Задачи урока:
  • развитие навыков аудирования;
  • развитие навыков диалогического и монологического высказывания;
  • развитие коммуникативных навыков
Формы работы: парная и групповая (в сменных парах и группах)
. Повторение видов условных предложений и форм сослагательного наклонения.
TEACHER: Read the following quotations on the blackboard. How do you understand them? What do they have in common? (They are all conditional sentences.) Name the type of the conditional sentence. What verb forms are used in the main clause and in the subordinate clause? What form of the verb "to be" is used?
1. If it`s Tuesday, his must be Belgium.(Title of film about American tourists in Europe.) 2. If you were the only girl in the world,
And I were the only boy ...
(song by Clifford Grey)
3. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, ... you`ll be a man, my son.(Rudyard Kipling) 4. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, you just don`t know what`s going on.(British Army saying)
(1. Zero conditional, present tense; 2. Second conditional, Past Tense-Subjunctive 1 (were); 3. First conditional, Present tenses, Furure Tense; 4. Zero conditional, present tense)
ЭТАП II. Употребление условных предложений 1 типа в самостоятельных высказываниях. Обсуждение шутливых правил работы в офисе.
1. Travelling is one of the most popular ways of spending leisure. Why do you think people enjoy travelling? People work and study hard and they need a rest. Some people have worked out these rules of work - no wonder we get so tired!
In pairs read these rules and decide whether they are true about your school work.
  1. If anything can go wrong, it will.
  2. If a job looks easy, it`s difficult. If it looks difficult, it`s impossible.
  3. If you think a job will take two hours, it will take four days. If you think it will take four days, it will take eight weeks. And so on.
  4. If you throw something away, you will need it the next day.
  5. If you do what everybody wants you to do, somebody won`t like it.
  6. If you explain so clearly that nobody can misunderstand, somebody will.
2. What rules do you agree with? Disagree with?
Example: "We (dis)agree that if you .... because ...."
ЭТАП III. Обучение аудированию - рассказ "Неудачный отпуск". Употребление Subjunctive 2 в конструкциях "You should have done"; "If you had done :, you wouldn`t have done :."
1. So we all need a rest. But not every trip is a success and a pleasure. Some turn out to be a disappointment. Let me tell you about such a holiday I had a few years ago. Listen to my story and may be you`ll be able to explain to me what I did wrong.
"Two years ago I decided to spend my holidays at the seaside. When I came to a tour agency, I found out that there were no tickets for the dates I wanted and I had to put my trip off for a later date which was not very convenient.
I didn`t know who to go with, so my friend recommended me her cousin as a companion. I had never seen her before but I thought she would be OK.
When we arrived in Turkey, it was so hot there! I had no idea it could be so hot!
The hotel wasn`t very comfortable and the service was poor. Besides it was rather far from the sea. I didn`t really mind but my companion was very displeased. She started complaining of everything and it really got on my nerves!
At last I couldn`t stand it any longer and went out of the hotel in the middle of the night. I was not far from the hotel but it was dark and suddenly I was attacked by four men. I was so scared, I panicked. So I gave them all the money I had and my passport.
The rest of the trip was a nightmare..."

2. What did I do wrong? Ex. "You should have booked the tickets beforehand. You shouldn`t have taken a person you don`t know as a companion"
3. Why did my trip turn out to be a disaster? What kind of advice could you give me?
Ex. "If you had booked the tickets beforehand, you wouldn`t have put off the trip."
Обучение диалогическому высказыванию с употреблением нового грамматическго материала. Работа в сменных парах. Проведение опроса с целью выбрать себе идеального попутчика в путешествие.
You have mentioned that it`s very important to choose a good companion for you trip. How do you do it? What kind of person is a good companion for you? Sometimes a simple psychological test can help you understand if you and your friend have much in common.
1. In groups of three study the following questions. First answer them yourselves and then find out what your classmates would do in the following situations. Ask the questions like this: "What would you do if ...?/ If you ... would you...?
2. In your groups of three some up the results to see who you have much in common with. Whose answers had much in common?
3. Tell the class about your results. Who`ll be the best companion for you?
1. If you heard a strange sound in the night, would you:A go and look?
B phone the police?
C hide under the bed cloth?
2. If you saw a child stealing from a shop, would you:A tell the child to stop?
B tell a shop assistant?
C do nothing?
3. If a shop assistant gave you too much change, would you:A tell him/her?
B take the money and say nothing?
4. ...

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